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It would be helpful to be able to import data from other sources e.g. via a spread sheet.

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Guest 11 months ago in App 0 Planned

Add Last Logged In Date/Time to Users page

It would be useful to see when a user last logged in to Central on the "Users" tab.
Guest 30 days ago in App 0

Give users the Designer option without making them Admin?

I would like to give some users the ability to create their own reports in Designer but not also to have the rights of an administrator, so not able to edit/delete someone else's report or change any other system settings. Or add/delete users etc.
Jeanette Boorer 11 months ago in App 2 In Discovery

Allow customers to share reports?

Could reports created in iSAMS Central by customers be allowed to share with other Central customers? Perhaps creating a shared bank of reports for reference? In terms of submitting a Central report for the shared bank within a reports settings yo...
Guest 8 months ago in App 0

Set Homepage preferences by Role rather than user

At the moment to set a Homepage Preference you have to impersonate a user and set a report as their Homepage Preference. Can the functionality be added where you can assign a Homepage Preference to a Role rather than individual user?
Guest 8 months ago in App 1 Will not implement

Sync data to Global Lists

It would be very useful to be able to update Global List options from Central and sync across to individual iSAMS instances. For example, I would add a reason on the PupilLeavingReasons which could then sync to all iSAMS instances. Equally, the ab...
Guest over 1 year ago in App 0 Planned

Keep Homepage Preference

When you unpublish a report to make a change it removes it from all users homepage if it has been set as as their Homepage Preference. This means you have to impersonate every user who has this as their homepage preference and reset the homepage p...
Guest 8 months ago in App 0 In Discovery

Power BI link to Central

If we have Power BI, will it be possible, in the future, to be able to link to the Central Data model?
Nicholas Perry 6 months ago in App 0

Creating user accounts and applying them to more than one site (for groups)

Push down feature in Central. As we are a large group - we have central colleagues that need to access each site. We would like functionality where we create the user account and then push that to the relevant schools or all of them. For example a...
Laura Andrews 8 months ago in App 0 Planned