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Set Homepage preferences by Role rather than user

At the moment to set a Homepage Preference you have to impersonate a user and set a report as their Homepage Preference. Can the functionality be added where you can assign a Homepage Preference to a Role rather than individual user?
Guest 8 months ago in App 1 Will not implement

Plot week day from MIS: Medical Student Appointment

I can use the date from variable to plot a graph of the date a student visited the nurse. I would like to do a summary of which day of the week students visit the nurse. I don't think there is currently a link between the date and the day name in ...
Guest 9 months ago in Analytics 2 Will not implement

Call other reports using Cross-report

I don't seem to be able to get Cross-report feature to work and this would be a really helpful feature. If it not available then please remove it as an option in Visualizations.
Nicholas Perry about 1 year ago in Analytics 1 Will not implement